Zero-Emissions Freight Corridor
In Southern California, LA Metro and other project partners of the I-710 corridor project, proposes to expand this key regional freight corridor between the ports and railyards near downtown Los Angeles, and to create dedicated truck lanes. With the South Coast Air Quality Management District's (SCAQMD) support, the project EIR currently under development (as of late 2011) will include a zero-emission freight corridor alternative.
MTS is proposing to SCAQMD and LA Metro to use MTS's Magnetic Roadway System - a concept for using linear synchronous motors (LSMs) embedded in road surfaces to move vehicles along within freight or specially designated vehicle corridors.
The Long Beach Freeway (I-710) is a vital transportation artery, linking the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles to major Southern California distribution centers and intermodal rail facilities. An essential component of the regional, statewide and national transportation system, it serves both passenger and goods movement vehicles. As a result of population growth, increased cargo container volume at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach (15 million containers and growing), increasing traffic volumes, and an aging infrastructure, the I-710 Freeway experiences serious congestion and safety issues.
Metro and six project participants are now conducting an Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) to analyze the range of possible improvement alternatives for the I-710 corridor. The I-710 Corridor Project EIS/EIR will study 18 miles of the I-710 Freeway between the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles and the Pomona Freeway (SR-60).
The study area encompasses 15 cities and unincorporated areas in Los Angeles County adjacent to the freeway corridor. The EIS/EIR, a study required by federal and state statutes, is an assessment of the likely influences that future improvements may have on the environment and communities along the corridor. It includes analyses of ways to reduce or avoid possible adverse environmental impacts.
Project Participants
Metro is joined by several partner agencies in completing the I-710 Corridor Project EIS/EIR. These agency partners include the California Department of Transportation, the Gateway Cities Council of Governments, the I-5 Consortium Cities Joint Powers Authority, the Port of Long Beach, the Port of Los Angeles, and the Southern California Association of Governments.
Project Objectives
Metro's objectives for the I-710 Corridor Project EIS/EIR are shaped by priorities identified by stakeholders along the I-710 corridor during and following the MCS effort. These objectives include developing transportation alternatives that will:
- Improve air quality
- Improve mobility, congestion and safety
- Assess alternative, green goods movement technologies